Friday, 19 May 2023

Chapter 6: Ho’oponopono and the wider world

Ho’oponopono and other people

Cleaning another person’s problems is quite acceptable. There are no moral or free will dilemmas to consider. 

Each petition is considered by The Divine before any action is taken. I trust in its infinite knowledge and wisdom to formulate an outcome that is best for all parties concerned.

Again you have to use your discretion on which problems you take on. One of the first mistakes I did was to take on an elderly relative’s health issues. In this case dementia. I quickly realised that realistically I was not going to cure him of this horrendous disease quickly. And as he is very elderly, I changed my petition from that focus, to one of alleviating his symptoms.

I Love you Uncle______.

I love you for teaching me about compassion, about kindness, about sacrifice, and selflessness... 

I’m sorry if I have neglected you, and not appreciated your wisdom, if I have taken you for granted... 

I’m sorry for whatever I have done to cause you pain, or distress, or discomfort...

Please forgive me...

Thank You...

Cleaning community or world issues

As we covered previously we can clean on pretty much anything, or anyone, we desire. The Divine will answer each and every one of those petitions in the most suitable and elegant way. 

At some point you will want to start cleaning on grander scale. You might have seen a news report, or read an article that moved you. 

A war, a conflict, a kidnapping, a missing child, a dying child...

The world is full of injustices and atrocities. These are all things that move us and we are compelled to help. And sometimes we do. We campaign, or protest, or donate, which helps for a while. But usually we end up feeling helpless in the face of such overwhelming odds. 

Ho’oponopono practice puts the power back in the hands of each and everyone one of us. Now you can make a difference to the world you see around you.

Something like a war is actually a relatively easy task to clean. Conflicts are usually based on fear and Ho’oponopono is excellent at resolving fear based situations between individuals, or groups. 

But in the case of a major conflict it is the sheer scale of the task that presents the problem. 

Major world events are often the result of collective karma. Resolving them has to a group effort. 

Individually we have incredible power, far more than we could ever imagine. Collectively we are unstoppable!

 The world is slowly waking up to the fact that we are not helpless pawns, and that we can make a real difference to the world around us, if we come together with love and focus our attention on the problems surrounding us. 

My lone petition below aimed at resolving the current Russian/Ukrainian crisis might seem futile, but I have faith that all around the world, thousands, maybe one day millions, of you are doing the same thing. 

So I do what I can, and in the case below, I focus my petition on the fear between the two nations;

I love you Russia...

I love you Ukraine...

I love you for teaching the world about tolerance and understanding. For teaching us the value of patience and restraint...

I’m sorry for whatever I have done to cause this conflict between you, this fear and mistrust. You deserve peace and prosperity and stability in your lives...

Please forgive me...

Thank you...

It’s reasonable to expect that this problem will take a while to resolve. So I move it to my daily petitions list and move on.

I don’t avoid any news on the subject after my petition has been made, but I don’t go out my way to find out either.

Something like a missing person is much more complicated. What if they are dead already?

No amount of Ho’oponopono practice is going to bring them back. They could be missing indefinitely or never found at all... 

Of course you will still try, as I do. Use your own judgement in these situations on both what to clean, and how long to keep cleaning.  

As you continue your practice you will soon learn what to take on and what to leave alone.