Friday, 19 May 2023

Chapter 5: Ho’oponopono Practice and the questions that arise.

What do I clean first?

One of Ho’oponopono’s core beliefs is that everything starts from within, and that in order to heal others we must first heal ourselves.

 With that in mind, I suggest starting with a small personal issue you might have with another person. It can be anyone, a colleague, a friend, a loved one. Try to ensure it is someone that you have regular contact with so you can monitor results. 

Sat the mantra as often as you can; before you see them, during contact with them and afterwards too as well...

Try to have no expectations or preconceived ideas on the outcome of your efforts.

Here is an early petition I did to resolve an issue I had with a work colleague that you can use for your first petition;

I love you _________...

I love you for teaching me  patience, and restraint. About tolerance, and understanding...

 I’m sorry for anything I have ever done to cause you hurt or harm. 

I’m sorry if I have judged you, or offended you in any way.

Please forgive me. 

Thank you.

 I tend to concentrate my efforts on personal and family issues, such as ill health and relationship problems. At this stage of my development I find that Ho’oponopono works best with problems involving peoples’ emotions. It is especially effective with relationship issues, for setting up synchronistic events, and generally smoothing your way in life.

When do I clean? 

The mantra is used as problems arise, as you encounter them, or even before as a preventative measure.

There are no set times or days that you set aside for Ho’oponopono practice. The mantra is said silently and repeatedly to yourself as you go about your daily life. This is why it is impractical to close your eyes, or clasp your hands in prayer.

Below are a couple of examples of simple, preventative, petitions. Which I would use to smooth my way as I go about my daily life.

Say your manager has called you unexpectedly into a meeting, and he wants to meet you first thing after lunch.

First you identify the problem; Boss wants an unscheduled meeting with you, and this is causing you some anxiety. 

Get to the cause of the issue by asking yourself what is it in you that is causing this problem of anxiety and fear? 

Then formulate your mantra to suit the situation; 

In this case, as I have no specific issue with my manager that I know of, I would concentrate on making sure my conscious and subconscious thoughts about the coming situation were positive ones.

I love you manager’s name.

I love you for your kindness, your support, your generosity, and your friendship...

I’m sorry for anything I have ever done to cause you harm...

I’m sorry if I have judged you or not appreciated your support...

Please forgive me...

Thank you...

Say the mantra a few times before you go into the meeting, as many as you think the issue warrants, 

While you are in the meeting silently say the full mantra to yourself, or if this is impractible, a shortened version of Thank you, I love you, will do just as well.

Continue to say the mantra after the meeting has finished, again for as long as you judge it needs. 

You are then free to move onto the next problem. 

Notice that even if there is no particular issue with your boss. You’re not expecting a rollicking and you’re on good terms, we still use the mantra.

Again the mantra is extremely adaptable. I could have taken a completely different approach to the same situation. Instead of concentrating on my relationship with my boss to rectify the anxiety. 

I love you self belief and charisma... 

I love the confidence you give me, the doors you open. The friends you help me meet. The tasks you help me accomplish...

I’m sorry for anything I have ever done to cause a lack of you in my life. A less than abundant supply of your wonderful gifts...

Please forgive me...

Thank you...

Notice how I have identified the issue as a problem in me, not my boss. I examined the issue, and asked myself, what is it in me that is causing this problem? 

Why is my subconscious creating this situation I am experiencing? 

What lessons do I need to learn to resolve it?

 In this case I know that I have some anxiety about the upcoming meeting, and as I have no known problems with my boss. I equate that with a lack of confidence in myself. 

After I have identified the cause of the problem, I then get to work cleaning the issue. Ensuring that I go into the meeting empowered, and of course full of confidence.

And that is your goal with Ho’oponopono, to empower yourself. To free yourself of negative memories of regret, and guilt, allowing you to face the world a little bit “cleaner” each time you resolve a problem.

How often should I clean?

Let’s be very clear Ho’oponopono practice is a full time occupation, almost a state of mind.

Not when you are in the mood, or have some free time. Not on Sundays, not five times a day. It is demanding and it is constant.

Different problems require varying amounts of time. Keep cleaning until they are resolved. Most become ongoing, for example, a simple room, or house cleaning petition will probably be sent once or twice a day, but it could go on indefinitely. 

For health issues I generally clean until the symptoms disappear and then top up regularly with a simple gratitude based mantra.

World peace, or a cure for cancer, will take a bit more time and effort... 

Please note; you can very quickly find yourself overwhelmed so choose your problems wisely. No-one expects you to cure the world’s problems instantly. Each problem cleaned is a step in the right direction. Do what you can...

Does it just happen or do I have to take action too?

Constant Ho’oponopono practice creates the environment, the circumstances, and the energy required for you to create the reality you desire, the rest is up to you. 

It provides you with the ladder, and each rung is a small step up your evolutionary climb. You still have to take the steps. 

No expectations 

This is a difficult one. Have no expectations on the outcome of the petition is very easy to say...

 It is our natural human state to wonder, to plan and scheme, to dream. 

But for Ho’oponopono to work effectively we have to have faith, more than faith, we have to know that The Universe will provide the most elegant and suitable solution to our petition. 

Once we accept that we are not capable of conceiving how something will come about, the rest will occur naturally, and work out to everyone’s satisfaction. By doing this we not only free ourselves from constant longing, we also open ourselves to outcomes we could never even imagine!

What results can I expect and how long will it take? 

So finally we come to the important bit. If you remember back at the beginning of this chapter, I answered that we could clean anything, or anyone, we desired. Which is true as long as you take into account Universal Law. 

You will have success with Ho’oponopono if you practise it correctly and regularly. I have yet to find someone who hasn’t.

If you focus your petitions, choose them wisely, and limit the amount you take on, you should see and feel results within a very short space of time. 

You will start to experience gradual shifts in your present reality. Things will start to go your way, you will experience more synchronicity in your life, and people will react to you more positively. The focus of your petition, the problem, will resolve, but again maybe not in the way you imagined. 

It was these initial results that first grabbed my attention. I could not believe how quick the process produced tangible results. I have tried many different spiritual techniques in the past and never once even after many months of effort have I achieved the results that Ho’oponopono gave me within days.

Surrender and Trust 

One of the major aspects of Ho’oponopono practice is trust. You have to have faith and trust in The Divine to decide what is the best outcome for all concerned. 

Surrendering to a higher power to decide the fate of my life was one of the most difficult aspects of Ho’oponopono for me.

This surrender is a fundamental tenant of many religions and spiritual paths. It felt like giving up to me. 

While I admire the faith of those devotees who can, shutting myself in a monastery, or sitting atop a mountain for decades, away from all the temptations and challenges of life, seemed to me to be contrary to the whole purpose of this physical existence. 

We are here to experience life. To make mistakes, to learn, to grow.

 Removing all of life’s temptations would surely defeat that purpose, as well as slowing things down considerably.

Ho’oponopono practice has allowed me to understand that allowing a higher power, who loves me completely, who is part of myself, with infinite knowledge and wisdom, to make the right decisions for me, was the smartest thing I could ever do.  

Once my ego accepted that fact my life became so much easier. 

I found peace...

Of course this is an ongoing struggle. My conscious mind, my intellect, and ego still continue to believe in the illusion that it is they who are in control.