Friday, 19 May 2023

Chapter 7: Am I alone?

The intensely individualistic nature of Ho’oponopono practice might leave you feeling alone. There is none of the support that many other religions have. Sometimes it will feel as if you have the weight of the world on your shoulders. 

We have created this world of separation so we can experience what it is like to be far from the source. Each of us is undergoing a very unique and personal and seemingly independent view of the universe. 

But in reality we are always connected. Both to our higher selves and the rest of creation. Every act or thought we have resonates throughout all creation. 

Whatever we do to improve ourselves, whenever we act in a loving manner, it all combines to improve the world we live in. 

Of course the opposite is true also. If you persist in seeing the world as a frightening, hostile, unfriendly place. Viewing it through eyes of fear and feelings of helplessness, then that is exactly what you will see and experience. 

If you feel that the world is a safe, friendly place, full of helpful people, and endless possibilities, then again, that is the world that will be reflected back to you.

“As within so without” 

So what world would you rather live in? 

We have free will, it’s your choice...

Although we live these lives under the illusion of separation we all live and experience the same world. World events and Earth changes affect us all, no matter how much cleaning we do. 

Humanity as a whole is collectively evolving, as are nations and ethnic groups, and we are all collectively responsible for our ancestors’ actions.

 Different groups evolve at different speeds, and in different ways, just as individuals do. And they collectively face different problems. The issues and obstacles facing the African, or Islamic nations for example, will be vastly different from those that face the Americans or Chinese.

Again it is important to remember that there is no right or wrong way in either our individual or collective evolutions. All paths are valid. All roads will eventually lead us home.

We all get there in the end... 

As we discussed in the previous chapter we can assist in this evolution, by collectively cleaning on the global issues that affect us all, such as wars and environmental concerns.

The petition below addresses the heartbreaking situation in North Korea, and is an issue close to my heart. The people there have suffered long enough!

 I would be grateful if you could add it to your long term cleaning list.

I Love you North Korea, your people, and your land...

I love you for teaching the world about  compassion, and humanity...

I’m sorry for whatever I have done to cause this tyrannical regime to reign over you...

I’m sorry for whatever I have done to cause this black cloud of oppression to hang over your land...This brutal dictatorship...

Please forgive me...

Thank you...