How it works
Ho’oponopono is a problem solving technique that allows individuals to solve problems in their lives, instantly as they occur. These problems can range considerably; from health issues and personality flaws to relationship and money problems.
The Ho’oponopono process allows you to take back control of your life. No longer blowing through life randomly like a leaf in the wind it transforms you from an unconscious creator into a conscious creator.
The technique is used to resolve and clear past memories and old attitudes that have been influencing our lives negatively.
By addressing, resolving, and clearing these issues you leave yourself open to synchronistic events, and inspirational thoughts that are constantly trying to get through. Creating a world around you that better suits your stage of spiritual evolvement in this life.
To fully understand how Ho’oponopono works we have to ask ourselves one question.
Who am I?
This might seem like an easy question, but I mean the real you. The complete you, not the you created by your ego. Not the you, you think you are!
One of the principle teachers of modern Ho’oponopono is Dr Ihaleakala Hew Len Ph.D.
Dr Hew Len studied under Morrnah Simeone for many years, becoming a teacher at the Foundation of ‘I’.
After Morrnah’s death in 1992, he further developed the process, and has become probably the singlest most authority on the subject today.
In 2007, Dr Len combined with best selling metaphysical author Joe Vitale, and together they published ‘Zero Limits’ [link] which has become a best seller around the world.
The book outlines Dr Len’s fascinating philosophy, and an extraordinary account of the power of Ho’oponopono on a group of mentally ill prison patients.
Dr Hew explains the process as such; we as humans’, incarnated here on earth, are made up of four distinct parts:
1. The Conscious mind
2. The Subconscious mind
3. The Super Conscious
4. Divine Intelligence
The conscious and subconscious mind together, form the person we are in this physical world, our personality, our intellect, our ego.
The Super Conscious mind and Divine Intelligence are also closely connected. Perfectly in tune with one another, they operate independently above.
All four are equally important and together they form the incarnate being we are on Earth today.
Though able to work independently they are always connected, meaning that we are never separated from The Divine.
Never... Not even when we are at or lowest, our meanest, our loneliest. Our separation is only an illusion.
The conscious mind thinks that it is in charge, that it makes the decisions. It believes that it has the power to change things. It is utterly convinced that all it needs to succeed is hard work, dedication, and a bit of good luck.
The physical world we live and operate in is based on the fundamental principle that we can somehow shape events and circumstances in our lives, and the world around us, by sheer force of will.
Instead of surrendering to the flow, and trusting the universe to decide what is best for us.
In reality the conscious mind is not capable of conceiving or generating ideas or actions on its own. It can only perceive what it experiences. It relies solely on the replaying of memories of past lives and experiences stored in the subconscious mind to form its reality.
It is in this state that most of us live out the majority of our lives. Running on auto pilot with occasional flashes of inspiration.
The subconscious mind is hugely powerful and influential in our lives although we barely notice. It controls our every waking moment. From our heartbeats and breathing, to our attitudes and responses.
Without it we would be over-whelmed!
Our conscious mind thinks it runs the show, but in reality it is only used as an avatar. Its role is to allow us to experience the physical world vicariously, and it does this by using our five physical senses.
The conscious mind has no power to create thoughts, ideas, or actions.
It is the Subconscious mind that creates the world around us, and it relies almost exclusively on the replaying of pre programs, and old memories to make its judgments.
The Super conscious mind is memory free and is in direct contact with The Divine at all times. It is in tune with the flow of The Source and it passes on these inspirations constantly.
Unfortunately this doesn’t happen as often as we’d like. The subconcious’s prejudices and disbelief often filter out those ideas that it fears, or cannot comprehend, relying instead on old thought patterns, programs, and past life memories.
The Ho’oponopono process is used to negate these memories. This in turn frees up space leaving us more receptive to inspirational thoughts and synchronistic events.
Dr Len likens this process to “cleaning” the memory.
So what can we clean?
Anything at all; your personality, your health, your wealth, your circumstances. Other people, inanimate objects, animals, world affairs...
Absolutely anything!
While it may seem incredible that we as individuals sitting at home could have any influence on people and events around the world, but it is important to note here, that it is not the person or circumstance that is the problem, it is our perception of them!
Everything we see and experience around has been filtered/coloured by our past experiences.
It’s not them, it’s you!
In order to change the world around us, first we have to change ourselves..
We’ll look at this and some of the other issues involved with “cleaning” a little closer in Chapter 5.
Activating the process
The cleaning process is activated by the conscious mind, in the form of a mantra. A request to The Divine to negate troublesome memories in order to free oneself from their influence.
This request passes into the subconscious mind which stirs and readies the targeted memories for transformation. It is then passed to the Super Conscious mind which reviews the problem from its own wider perspective. It makes any changes and adaptations it sees fit and finally it is passed on to Divine Intelligence for final approval.
After approval, and with any additional changes it deems necessary, The Divine sends healing transformative energy back down to the Super Conscious mind into the conscious mind, and finally into the subconscious mind where it gently cleans out the problem memory.
This cleaning process brings us one step closer to what Dr Hew calls “Zero Point”.
What Buddhists call The Void.
It is our natural state. In this state we are in tune, in balance, in harmony, and at one with the universe.
We liken it to being in the flow, open to all kinds of inspiration and synchronistic events.
This is our true state. It is where we came from and where we will all return. Each of us bringing our own unique perspectives and experiences with us...
Ho’oponopono gives us the tools to reach that state of bliss whenever we want. It makes us our own therapist, healer, guru.
So now you know a little bit about the theory behind the process...It’s time to start practising for yourself...
The next chapter will show you how to identify problems correctly, and give you the four phrases you need to get started.