Friday, 19 May 2023

Chapter 9: Final Thoughts

One of the things that grabbed me when I first discovered Ho'oponopono was the wonderful simplicity of it. It made sense. Only a Divine Intelligence could design something so elegant and simple, the perfect solution for its purpose. 

Ho'oponopono's core belief that each and every one of us is a powerful, eternal, spiritual being. That we are entirely responsible for all that we are, all we experience, struck a chord with me. I didn't need to look outside myself. I didn't have to follow a guru or master. 

The answer was inside me all along -

"Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakes." - Carl Jung 

While it's true that we can't stop karmatic events from affecting us in this life. They still have to be resolved, and their lessons learned. 

We can however choose how we deal with them... 

The Universe is a benign, and loving place. It would not create a life where our only choice is to sit helpless, wait-ing for the storms of life to hit us. The Universe is not vengeful. It doesn't want to hurt us. It's on our side. It wants us to learn our lessons. 

It wants us to succeed! 

It's up to us whether we do it the easy way or the hard way. It loves us so much that it won't ever violate our free will! It's our choice alone... 

If we are deliberately making a conscious effort to resolve our karma, if we are trying to evolve, and going in the right direction, then fate will leave us alone to go our own way, at our own pace... 

If the lesson has been learned, we don't have to repeat it. 

If you do find yourself repeating the same mistakes over and over, then pay close attention for there is something that you have not learned from that situation, and until you do you will be unable to move on. 

If we face up to our past mistakes and take action to resolve them, then we are free to move on to the next challenge... 

It is only when we get stuck in a rut, making little or no progress that The Universe will give us the kick up the backside we need to get us going! And it will continue to do so, with even more dramatic events, until we pay attention...! 

The Ho'oponopono process gives us the tools we need to resolve these karmatic problems in a gentler, less dra-matic way. It puts the power back in your hands, it gives you control, and brings you peace while the storm rages around you... 

The growing trend towards individualistic methods of worship has put the power back in the hands of the peo-ple. No longer are we blindly following others. The world is waking up, slowly realising the illusion that surrounds us, and the knowledge of our true selves. 

I believe that the Ho'oponopono process has come to us at exactly the right time to assist us in our own, and mankind's, spiritual evolution and ascension. Practising Ho'oponopono regularly will open up many new possibilities and opportunities in your life if you give it your full focus and attention - the rest is up to you. 

I hope that this book answered some of your initial ques-tions about the process, enough at least to get you started on your own Ho'oponopono adventure. I wish you well on your journey, and leave you with one final thought to remember when things get tough-

You are a powerful, eternal, spiritual Being of light...

Here on Earth to experience all there is... 

Nothing you can do is wrong... 

You are loved completely...